Products Overview

RiverFront Solutions

RiverFront builds outcome-based solutions through comprehensive, competitive, and clear portfolios targeted to investment time horizons and goals.

We offer comprehensive institutional quality account solutions for investors with key features including:

  • Inclusive Universe: In addition to US/International equities and traditional fixed income, our portfolios can also include non-traditional asset classes like high yield bonds, Master Limited Partnerships, commodities, floating-rate securities, and currency hedging.
  • A dynamic asset allocation process that melds a strategic view of value with a tactical opinion of fundamentals and investor psychology. We believe this flexible mandate is more responsive than traditional 'set it and forget it' strategies and allows our solutions to perform in multiple investment environments.
  • Security selection utilizing qualitative and quantitative tools to extend beyond broad market indexes.
  • Active risk management customized to the model's time horizon.

RiverFront’s solutions can be implemented through Separately Managed Accounts (SMA), Unified Managed Accounts (UMA), or stand-alone Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). We believe sticking with an investment plan can be one of the most important objectives for long-term investment success but can be difficult when everyday noise temporarily obscures long-term objectives. We provide clarity and transparency through our weekly updates which can help keep investors informed about the markets and their investment selections.


Advantage/ETF Advantage Model Portfolios

RiverFront's distinctive global investment strategies include our Advantage and ETF Advantage Model Portfolio products. These are asset allocation portfolios designed to meet a broad range of investor needs, return objectives, and risk tolerance levels. They are built with a combination of stocks, bonds, and/or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

RiverShares™ Model Portfolios

RiverShares™ Model Portfolios are portfolios that invest in a combination of RiverFront sub-advised exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and 3rd party ETFs. RiverFront does not charge an account level fee for its management of RiverShares portfolios . The model portfolios are managed using RiverFront asset allocation, security selection, and risk management process. These models are constructed based on a variety of mandates ranging from risk tolerance, time horizon, and desired investor outcomes.

Sub-Advised ETFs

RiverFront sub-advises actively managed fixed income and equity ETFs through partnerships with ALPS and First Trust. The ETFs provide investors access to RiverFront's security selection within an individual asset class and are designed to remain fully invested. The ETFs can be used as stand-alone products or in combination with other RiverFront ETFs or with ETFs from third-party providers.

Custom Portfolio Solutions (CPS)

Through RiverFront’s Custom Portfolio Solutions, advisors can access Custom Advantage – custom implementation of RiverFront strategies tailored to individual investor needs. Custom Advantage may be a fit when high net worth investors have a unique investment need that requires specialized active asset management.

To learn more about our products and services please contact your financial advisor.